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What is Lucid Realities?


The series is currently a work in progress.


The entire series functions as an allegory reflecting the American human service's foster care system. Various personal experiences, what is known or believed about it, and news that affects its content shape the series and everything related to it.


Each type of creature and particular features of sub classes represent different aspects. For example, the different origins of vampires, be it converted from a human to a vampire or being born from two vampire parents are the different relations a foster child may have--some are the children of people who were once foster youth themselves while the parents of some were raised traditionally.

There is a lot of labeling and assumptions of fate or destiny based on this, yet it is not always talked about and thus isn't widely known. By definition, foster youth can be considered a minority based on population and even "culteral differences" that stem from our unique lifestyles that are different from normal children.


Although it may seem like an unusual subject, or even stupid at first glance, not many youth are capable of sharing their stories. It is a personal belief based on observation that people learn more about their surroundings when presented in an allegorical form and by fictional means better than non-fiction biographies. I also do not plan on publishing my life's story. That is one story I do not wish to share to the same extent, or at least not directly.


Recent news of federal investgation has altered some of the content. I am also still interpreting, reacting, and  reflecting my own experiences with the foster care system. It's manifesting itself in different characters and their actions. The main series will be completed before I can heal and become normal; it's not relying on that. There are certain things that are still in the works, mostly because other short stories that branch off from the original are making themselves whole, as bigger pieces of the puzzle that is the main series, before I can finish it.

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Short Stories: The Truth of Eloise Vacarro Part 1


Although the vampire characters are based on American foster youth, specific characters aren't supposed to be based on particular people. Eloise Vacarro may be an exception.


Her character design resembled one of my foster sisters. She did the most good for me during that time, but she's not literally based on her.

Since she doesn't have room to have much presence in the main series, I decided to give her a chance in a short story. Neither the main series nor this short story will rely on the other to read as a whole; they will have the necessary content to stand alone, so rest assured, it's safe to read and not feel anxious waiting for this or that missing detail. I know that feeling. I don't like it. I'm not a hypocrite in that regard.


Please note that this short story is in progress, however, I'm sharing what's currently available. Upon completion, Links will be provided for purchase.


At this time, it may only come out as eBook; other short stories related to the series would be combined into a paperback collection.

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